*names of the others have been dramatized to protect their reputations.
the plot: at approximately 11am EST, beef, paper snowflake extraordinaire, phones f00, pixy stix ignorant, to discuss the possible outcomes of inhaling the newly launched flavor infusers. highly skeptical, f00 agrees to be supportive of the proposed experiment. f00 arrives at OMX at the designated meeting time and somehow gets roped into partaking. it’s very unclear how this happened.
the preparation: aquatina generously loans clean and sanitized cubicle top. TH provides necessary blade and mirror. LF unfortunately has to answer a phone call (why do people call this the office again?) and misses the rare opportunity to get some potentially damaging evidence. JR (bosslady of beef, aquatina, TH and LF) registers the commotion, shakes her head and then chooses to ignore.
during: first attempt – operator error on the part of f00. second attempt proves much more successful although she wouldn’t necessarily call it ‘success’. beef inhales her entire line like a champion slash princess.
after: symptoms include some eye watering, burning sensation in the nasal passage, sweet taste in the nasal passage and the occasional whiff of green tea. and lemon.
conclusion: the tested delivery method would be generally ill-advised. especially when taking into account the fact that the flavor infusers were developed to be savored (dissolved in cold water) and not to be consumed in such a hurried albeit efficient manner. there were also no indications that the effects of caffeine and EGCG were enhanced. on the plus side, the experiment was a perfect example of the stellar teamwork that is so often underappreciated.
go team.
15 years ago
What?!? Ridiculous f00/nance. Heather wants to know if St.Charles, Mo is close to this: http://www.throwedrolls.com/sikeston.html
ha, that one girl talked me into it!
that one restaurant is 2.5 hrs south of st charles, i believe...
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