i've never been a runner. there's no need to poll close friends or relatives. just take my word for it.
call it the power of persuasion perhaps. i'm choosing to call it sneaky. this is what's been happening: zerr's training for the wirefly half marathon that's happening at the end of march. two weekends ago, i ran 7 miles with her (6.5 miles the previous weekend). how did this happen? i don't understand. this weekend: 8 miles. gulp slash help?
15 years ago
Ah love!
dude! you just made me barf a little on the inside.
check out www.vcwear.com - my favorite is http://www.vcwear.com/your-idea-made-me-puke-a-little/
but Godzilla, you CAN!!!!
thanks for bringing that back, ching-mei. really, thank you very much...
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