we ate at a tenedor libre today. a tenedor libre is (i guess) castellano for buffet and the only reason we dined there was because it was recommended by the farm people.
we had been looking forward to it all visit long because it was an opportunity to eat out and decided today would be a good day to go since we were leaving for chile and didn't have a place to prepare meals. at lunch, we walked in and saw that the restaurant was pretty full - usually a good sign. the rule was that you had to get at least a drink that wasn't included in the price of the buffet. fine. i could deal with that. an order of gin & tonic for me please. food was pretty sub-par but you don't go to a buffet for quality food. it's the quantity that people are after. and there was quantity so you couldn't complain.
we noticed that many tables had bread baskets and wondered why we didn't have one. the dude eating at the table next to us had been talking to us about where to visit in argentina and chile and he also had a bread basket. he eventually left once he was done with his food. the waiter man came by to clean up his table then simply shifted the bread basket that once was on that man's table to our table. still full of bread. that's how you got a bread basket.
15 years ago
Will you make a list/keep track of all the great South American wines you find? We can do a comparison with Californian when you get back =)
absolutely :o)
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