you're really asian?
answer: when you think it's perfectly normal and socially acceptable that everyone around you is constantly taking photos with their digital cameras and checking their ringing treos/blackberries. at high tea.
the events of today have been an interesting reminder that i am actually foreign. sometimes i seem to forget (it's fortunate that my friends do not and constantly remind me). six/seven years ago, i swore i had become less intelligent after watching zoolander - i was so extra disgruntled. however, i think i've slowly come to appreciate the subtleties of american humor. to some extent.
speaking of friends irene and sheep are getting married in 3 weeks and i drove up to jersey for irene's bridal shower. i've known them both since college. we were all goofy then. what's consoling is that irene still remains a cheeky little fellow and sheep a nerdo. perfectly content surfing the worldwide web. in 3 weeks, i also get to walk down the aisle. it's going to be an adventure. i intend to be an all star, to say the least. do not stay tuned for photos. for they will be embarrassing.
it's now bedtime...irene tells me to feel free to raid the fridge in case i'm hungry in the middle of the night (there is a ton of food left over from the bridal shower after party). quote of the day comes courtesy of her mother, daisy: yes! if you're hungry, just come downstairs! like a mouse! :o)
15 years ago