
question: how do you know...

you're really asian?
answer: when you think it's perfectly normal and socially acceptable that everyone around you is constantly taking photos with their digital cameras and checking their ringing treos/blackberries. at high tea.

the events of today have been an interesting reminder that i am actually foreign. sometimes i seem to forget (it's fortunate that my friends do not and constantly remind me). six/seven years ago, i swore i had become less intelligent after watching zoolander - i was so extra disgruntled. however, i think i've slowly come to appreciate the subtleties of american humor. to some extent.

speaking of today...my friends irene and sheep are getting married in 3 weeks and i drove up to jersey for irene's bridal shower. i've known them both since college. we were all goofy then. what's consoling is that irene still remains a cheeky little fellow and sheep a nerdo. perfectly content surfing the worldwide web. in 3 weeks, i also get to walk down the aisle. it's going to be an adventure. i intend to be an all star, to say the least. do not stay tuned for photos. for they will be embarrassing.

it's now bedtime...irene tells me to feel free to raid the fridge in case i'm hungry in the middle of the night (there is a ton of food left over from the bridal shower after party). quote of the day comes courtesy of her mother, daisy: yes! if you're hungry, just come downstairs! like a mouse! :o)



yesterday was bring your child to work day (how did i forget? and why did i not take another day off?). it dawned on me when i saw libby (my boss’ kid) and lisa (my boss) walking across the parking lot in the morning. having been at the beach the past many days, i was not mentally prepared to deal with that situation. i bumped into them in the lobby where lisa proceeded to tell me that libby had just told her, ‘i love dark haired people!’ sweet. slash, what is an appropriate response to that?

there were 3 groups of kids touring the facility. shannon and i got the youngest group first and as they strolled into the large conference room and gathered around the table, libby asked, ‘are you a boy or girl?’ shannon and i made eye contact and decided to ignore. libby’s question started a ripple effect. the boy and girl sitting to my left and right also started to interrogate me. all this while shannon was trying to conduct a focus group. and was trying very hard to keep a straight face.
f00: i’m a girl.
kids: are you a boy or girl?
f00: indeed, i am a girl.
libby: are you sure?
f00: yes, i’m pretty sure.
eric: i think you’re a boy.
f00: well, perhaps it’s the short and dark hair.
eric: hmm, maybe.
eric: do you play football?
f00: no.
libby: she's a korean girl...
f00: actually, i'm a chinese girl.
libby: oh. (point, f00)
some time passed and i thought i had them convinced. but who was i kidding?
libby: are you sure you’re a girl?
f00: yes.
libby: do you ever wear dresses?
f00: hmm, yes. yes, i do. but not all the time.
libby: hmm, yeah. i think if you wore dresses, it would make you look more like a girl.
libby is 6 this year.

reminder: this is the same group that asked if i spoke japanese last year. tragic.


the wests

so it's not a secret that sara west is one of my heroes. this
weekend, not only were sara & snooze west in town, sheila west came to
visit too! i haven't been left alone yet. the asian slash foreign
jokes occur so rapidly, i can hardly keep up. why does everyone
around me embrace xenophobia so bad?

get this: the only asian person that has step foot in the west
household in muncie, indiana, i've personally met. here in
baltimore. years before i even knew of this wholesome, mid-western
family. slowly, we shall all meet.

also, if someone was going to know only one thing about you, what
would it be?


the weekend

it’s 4.30am and snooze is already awake brewing coffee for the road. i’m nervously eating a banana and peanut butter. we leave at 4.50ish to pick up sarah strahorn, katherine and the jus. everyone seems ready for life. well, everyone except scarah. but she’s hungover so that seems fair. and i guess i’ve seen the jus more energetic before but she’s just had a long night. we make it to RFK stadium with plenty of time to spare – 30 minutes before anyone needs to be at the starting line of the 2008 national half & full marathon. wtf?!? as in, wtf am i doing here?!? i pop allergy medicine (against my mother’s advice), apply antihistamine eye drops (no way am i dying ugly), re-tie my shoelaces for the 3rd time and head over to corral 7 with the zerr. after the star spangled banner, we runners start trotting. shortly after crossing the starting line, i spot this gentleman holding a sign. and i think, ‘oh, how sweet.’ until i notice that the sign says: ‘don’t even try. you’re not going to make it.’
other than that, it’s beautiful out.– 40/45 degrees and sunny with a slight breeze. and we’re running like rock stars. between miles 12 and 13, i spot a familiar face in the crowd then two more. our friends are all excitedly holding signs at a point on the course that’s most unexpected. love it. 2:10 was the goal and we finished in 2:07. yes! also, free red bull (why is this a good idea?), fruit, espresso and michelob ultra await at the finish line. score!
it’s 9.30am and much has been achieved.

the rest of saturday
make it back in time for farmers’ market
sushi party!
party with the ladies

the top part of my foot where i’m assuming some tendons are located is a little crunchy. other than that, my body seems fine. shitballs. i was convinced that i was ill built for running.
nothing much actually happens till about 4pm. we dye easter eggs – my first time ever! everyone makes pretty ones. even the one that got dropped looks pretty. on the one side. thanks jessie for pretty much being an easter bunny. an amazing one.
we make a raw vegan dinner and then watch hours of the office.

dear friends, you are amazing.