
hunter dan

as promised...i'm so proud to show you hunter dan. god almighty, the
person who created hunter dan sure had a sense of humor. wait.
perhaps he/she just really loved hunting. for fowl.

it was christmas eve and i was still a present short for danny zerr.
as mentioned earlier, we hit up gateway (of 'easy doe' fame).

i frantically perused the wide selections of everything - bait, gear,
tiny Rs, sunglasses, waders i.e. things i clearly am expert in. i
caught sight of a pyramid of cases of clay pigeons and decided that i
couldn't do any better than that. mrs zerr was consulted and yes! it
made the cut. perfect. case in hand, i proceeded to checkout. i
made a ceremonious sweep of the crap shelf and spotted an action
figure - hot damn, hello hunter dan. crap? i think not.

case of clay pigeons, practical. hunter dan, not so much. but oh so
humorous and entertaining. i'd like to point out that hunter dan also
comes equipped with his own stash of decoys.

how can one pass up hunter dan? a case of clay pigeons you could get
at cabelas any day (see, i'm learning the ways of the hunter). no
consultation necessary. this is it.


stadium seating

i got one of my christmas presents early this year and it's a herb
garden! the timing was apparently necessary as the dill was
supposedly in danger of being consumed. we'll call the

it's christmas afternoon here in the stc and people are milling around
like they partied too hard. yestetday, in true cavalier rock star
fashion, it was decided that the party would continue at 'the corner'
- st charles' local bar - after aunt ellen's. we brought the party
(and probably the only 2 foreign folk that have ever stepped foot in
that establishment) and rocked it. real hard. taking shots with the
entire zerr family was probably the highlight of my evening.

of note: day 2 in the zerr household. mr zerr (mick) walks in the
katherine: morning, mick!
me: morning, mick.
mick: morning, nance!


getting cultured

it's christmas eve and we're last-minute shopping for tomorrow. one
of the stops was gateway outfitters - the locals' resource for fish
bait, rods, hunting gear and...the 'easy doe'. this hunting practice
target was on special for $189.95. oh how i wish i hunted more
regularly to justify purchasing this magnificent piece of plastic/
synthetic fur!

we also speculated that i was probably the 3rd asian to ever step foot
into gateway - the other 2 probably braved the doors because they were
hopelessly lost.

more on 'hunter dan' will follow. heading to aunt ellen's for
christmas eve festivities...



just arrived - pumped full of red bull and some other energy drink and
am working on a latte. off to work and it's going to be a great day!
arrived to fog this morning which was kinda cool...


calm skies, turbulent day

waiting for: a long overdue flight out of philly. i usually love
traveling but this day is getting on my nerves...
listening to: tegan and sara
just ate: bad chinese food
just finished reading: leaving microsoft to change the world (very
impressive achievements but the blurb is all that i would recommend
next read: the dharma bums

it's 11 days till christmas and 6 days till i leave for the STC/STL
and i'm pretty excited. the name calling has officially started and
i'm sooo keeping track...
#1: foo man choo
apparently, this one is going to stick.


trees and the city

it was a fairly busy weekend all around. snooze and i picked up our christmas tree and that was way exciting because it'll be my first real christmas tree ever! i'm psyched about the cultural experience that lies ahead.

katherine+snooze with our fraser fir on saturday

one of the loves of my life - new york city. and for many reasons: good food, the hustle and bustle, the smells, the sights, the people and of course, the sex in the city. apparently, the rockefeller tree is an important one if ever one is in the city around the holiday season. it even has its own website: www.thetreenyc.com

the tree was cut with a 2 person hand saw!

katherine: "i'm sorry! would you like some jamba juice?"

judith: "katie pushed me into a tree!"


first snow

we got first snow of the season yesterday and it was glorious.


technology, hanukkah & the christmas spirit

being asian predisposes me to being a geek about technology. there are worse stereotypes...i'm just saying.
some months ago, there was some minor saga with my ex-phone. as a result, i had to get the iphone. and i've been in awe ever since. and i will be using it to take many photos like thusly...

last night was the first night of hanukkah and judith made a menorah out of foil. such resourcefulness.

me + f1ret1ts

snooze + f1ret1ts

also, shannon sprained her ankle and decided to be festive about it.


a start

nothing warms the cockles of my heart quite like good food and friends. it was cold and wet yesterday and therefore perfect soup & ornament making weather. snooze busted out the christmas decorations and did an excellent job putting things to good use. i've never quite fancied christmas carols as much as i have this year but i guess it's somewhat infectious when everyone is hopping around the kitchen and being 5 again.

board games have made a very good comeback recently. someone please help me remember the word that invoked this quote: "meryl streep is the t-rex of actors!"

dear friends, i like you all.

being the maid of honor

this is about me being maid of honor in june... which i must say, is a poor choice.

an asian's blog - day 1
It's occurred to me that it'll probably be somewhat entertaining to blog about my trip home. Blog being the current hip term as opposed to - keeping a diary/journal.
'Entertaining' from the perspective of the people that don't actually have to partake in what one can only imagine will be a series of tragically funny events for foo.
I sorta understand why people are absolutely fascinated by this thing (the blackberry). I'll try very hard to not be one of those assholes.
Day 1 - no drama yet. Next stop - london.

an asian's blog-um, day 1.5
It's not my intention to bore you with the minute details of this trip but...
Rarely, one can be quite wrong about certain things. Today happens to be one of those days for foo for she finds herself at heathrow waiting for the H6 hotel hoppa bus bound for the premier quality inn for the night. Yes, due to weather related issues, she will be partying up in london this fine saturday night. Fucking london weather and so much for 'no drama yet'.
I can feel in my bones that this is going to be a good trip. If nothing else, at least for the stories. I notice this as I'm trucking from terminals 4 to 1 and am secretly finding this all extremely amusing. The fact that I don't feel the strong urge to cry or bitch is a very good sign. I'm a hardy little sucker.
Next stop-singapore. Tomorrow morning supposedly.

an asian's blog - day 3
I'm finally home!!! Sans baggage (and therefore at least one dress down) but nevertheless, home. Optimistically (for at this point, it's just easier to be so), I'm up $100 - BA's attempt at compensating for my lack of hair product(s) and other bare necessities.
Hrs later...I'm at granddad's house - admist mass chaos of some sort only mom's family is capable of. Cause of chaos is unclear but all will be ok because I'm about to share granddad's version of a black & tan...mmmm....or two...he seems a tad pleased about gaining a drinking bud. Everything is pretty much as I left it...
dress shopping with ms han tomorrow. And I get to meet her kid, iman-psyched! Bridezilla attacks in 3 days...

an asian's blog - day 4
I'm absolutely pooped...my feet are swoll and my eye lids are getting heavier...
Updates will be less witty, with mere bullet points today...
-f00 got dress for ceremony and both pairs of shoes! missing: accessories.
-f00 met friend's kid. friend = supermom.
-status of baggage is still unknown. f00 is still without bare necessities (and 2nd dress for dinner).
-bridezilla attacks in 2 days.

an asian's blog - day 6
I'm quickly getting quite comfortable with being home. Almost like I never left really...except better 'cos I have no responsibilities (except for the wedding).
Nothing too outrageous has occured of late unless you count lost baggage as one. But I'm getting around my lack of things by shopping for things. This isn't a horrible alternative, really.
Also a first-i come home last night and find granddad sitting in the garden admiring the moon. With an iced drink in hand. Which he offers to me. It smells familiar but is a drink I can't distinguish. It turns out to be red wine. watered down with melting ice cubes. hmmm...interesting.
Bridezilla attacks this evening. I'm so freaking excited I'm twitching...

an asian's blog - day 7-11
funniest ad i've seen while home (thus far) is one about mosquitoes..."if they breed, you will bleed"...we're so fucking witty sometimes.
day 7 - i'm currently in the car on the way to kuala lumpur...tension has me craving a drink (g+t+extra lime) real bad...my 4th grader cousin (bless his young soul), offered me some of his bottled water.
days 8 - um...crazy family chaos all the time, all the time! commonly used command words: now! faster! hurry up! i'm quickly losing track of time in malaysia. but i know i'm ready for this wedding thing to be over!
day 9 - wedding day. i realize we're very asian (cheena!)...but all goes (relatively) well. one day down, one more dress to wear.
day 10 - dinner. i'm back from it and it was actually not as bad as i thought it'd be. man, i'm glad it's over. feet hurt from these fancy shoes i've been wearing.
day 11 - singapore bound!

an asian's blog - day 15
guess what ladies, f00 is currently on her way home - see y'all shortly!